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Fundraise With ACCE

There are endless opportunities to turn every day events into opportunities to give back

There are several ways you can support a cause you’re passionate about: giving money, or volunteering your time. But have you considered becoming a fundraiser for ACCE and to spread the word? You don’t need to be a professional and you don’t need to wait for an occasion. It’s very easy to turn every day into a unique fundraising opportunity to help raise funds to pay for the cost of cancer treatment for patients who don’t have the money to pay for their treatment. You can raise funds for ACCE using our Fundraising Pages at CanadaHelps or GoFundMe or Facebook or ACCE Champions page

Turn Your Sporting Events Into Fundraising: Sporting events are good fundraising opportunities. You don’t have to take part in a large marathon to help ACCE. The power of any sporting event can be harnessed to support this cause you care about. Do you play on an office softball, basketball, soccer, baseball etc team? Choose ACCE for the whole team to support, and get friends and family members to pledge donations. You could also talk to your local community centre about using space to hold a dance-a-thon, or rent out the local bowling alley and collect pledges for pins knocked down. Whatever your sport, there’s an opportunity to turn your passion for the game into passion for ACCE that needs your support

Contact us, we are here to help.

​Turn Special Occasions Into Fundraising: 

​Turn the celebration of a special event into an opportunity to help pay for the cost of cancer treatment for patients who don’t have the financial means to pay for their treatment. Events like weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, and even graduations are ideal occasions to fundraise for ACCE because friends and family like to mark the occasion by giving. You can raise funds for ACCE using our Fundraising Pages:  CanadaHelps or GoFundMe or Facebook or ACCE Champions page

The Fundraising Pages work much like a gift registry. You select Alliance for CancerCare Equity, and your loved ones can make donations in lieu of gifts. However, unlike a gift registry, there are no pre-determined gift prices so your guests can give whatever amount they feel most comfortable with. And since they’ll receive a tax receipt, they may be able to give moreContact us, we are here to help

In Honour of a Loved One: 

Many people are awakened to the amazing work that charities do when they are faced with a difficult life event like an illness or the loss of a loved one. Raising money and awareness for a charity or cause can be a fulfilling way to honour someone, and to recognize the work a charity has done to help an individual or family. You can also celebrate a loved one’s life by supporting a cause he or she was passionate about.

Contact us, we are here to help

See Our Projects for more information on how your fundraising is supporting cancer patients.

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